Wednesday, November 18, 2015

FABULOUS Ruffly Goodness

It was Thursday night, November 12th and it was the witching hour. And no one in their right mind would be up arguing with a neon green sash about how it's red edges should ruffle but me.  Hard battles were fought, wills clashed but in the end I won. Some things I learned about ruffles:

1.  I hate them.
2.  They grow like a fungus on the edge of your work. They start out small and in their ruffly demanding ways require more and more, and more, stitches.  Curse them and all their houses.
3.  I really hate them
4.  You cannot necessarily control how the ruffles wax and wane or fold or wave or whatever they decide to do. This is dictated by your yarn choice and number of initial stitches and tension of your gauge and the wind blowing and unicorns over the rainbow and monks in Tibet and mystical forces beyond your ken
5.  Do not ruffle past your bedtime.  This *might* be influencing my opinion.  Just a little.
6.  Unless you're creating something for the very young, the very old, or the very gaudy I highly question their importance in the universe.  See Example A

Example A

Now that all the hate is out of the way, I did find some good resources should you lose your mind and decide this is the way to go.  And to be fair, and less bitter, they are very cute on dresses for BABIES or rhumba pants for BABIES or ugly sweater prizes when ugly sweaters are weighed and measured and they're worth determined in yarn.  So if you're in the mood to inflict yarn mutilation, please check out the links below for ruffly goodness:

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